
Permanence refers to the amount of time that carbon remains sequestered rather than being released back into the atmosphere. The concept of permanence in carbon markets typically refers to a 100 or even a 1,000-year timeframe. However, this standard often favors technological interventions such as direct air capture (DAC) over NbS, which also provide critical biodiversity and community benefits.


Although the communities we work with make a commitment to safeguard their NbS in perpetuity, Native advocates for a more flexible understanding for forecasting permanence, proposing a minimum threshold of 40 years for project eligibility, provided this timeframe is clearly communicated to stakeholders. This threshold is in line with guidance from the Integrity Council for Voluntary Carbon Markets (ICVCM). This allows us to bring NbS to market in a world where the future is inherently unpredictable. For projects where it makes sense, longer time periods will be possible.


By empowering local communities to manage and protect their ecosystems, Native aims to enhance the longevity and resilience of NbS projects, acknowledging that while financial investment reduces the risk of degradation, it cannot eliminate it.